Monday, April 23, 2007

Andrei Kirilenko

We have had two people in the past week say Carden's hair is like Andrei Kirilenko's. We were at the post office today and a complete stranger said "Hello Andrei Kirilenko." Carden just looked at him a little confused. Yesterday at church someone asked if he got hold of some scissors and cut his hair. Yep, it is really time for a buzz. No offense to Heidi Chipman! She does a great job cutting his impossible hair.

Max is back to sleeping through the night and we love it! Carden went into Max's room yesterday after naps, looked at Max with astonishment and said "Mommy, Max is not a little guy anymore. He grew up!" Sometimes I wish I could stop both of them from growing up so fast!


susie said...

Abs, I had to Google Andrei Kirilenko to find out who he was and that he plays for the Jazz. It's not a surpise that I didn't know who he was since I just found out last week that the Jazz switched their colors to blue. :) I think it's funny that you've had two people tell you that Carden's hair looks like his. I bet it's pretty cute!

Ashley said...

Crazy hair is the cutest! I say embrace it while you can. (Maybe then he won't feel the need for alternative hair cuts when he's a teenager) I understand what you mean about them growing up too fast. I already to Anna to slow down, but she's already not listening to me.

Brad, Tracee and Brooks said...

Abby! I know what you mean about wanting to freeze time! My little guy is growing up way too fast! Isn't there a button we can push?? Anyway, My blog is up and running, but definately not perfected yet-I am still trying to figure some things out! It is I would love to stay in touch! YOur boys are beautiful!
Much Love,