Monday, February 23, 2009

Bye Bye Binkie

A few weeks ago I decided it was the dreaded time to get rid of the bink for M. I asked Alan what approach we should take. Binky Fairy, balloon fly away, garbage truck drive away, cutting it, etc. Alan suggested we just tell him he can't have it any more. I laughed and told him I was going to dinner with my cousins that night and good luck. It couldn't be that easy. Well, Alan put him to bed that night and told M no more binkies. M said OK and went to bed! And that was that.

He is so easy going! At times he is my saving grace that I am actually doing something right in this thing called parenting. A huge thanks to Alan for showing me I may need to relax a little, not plan EVERY little thing in life and I need to maybe simplify some things I do as far as mommying goes.

1 comment:

brooke said...

This story is classic. Why does it always work this way for dads? I stress stuff so much and Sam is always telling me to take a chill pill. I think kids are just better for dads!