Friday, November 14, 2008

3+ 70% Efaced. Hotel Mama is Closed!

Do not get excited people! I am always this way. I feel very different with number three. He is fine to stay inside a little while longer. No need to rush this one. As long as I can take Unisom every couple nights so I can get SOME sleep, I will keep cooking this Thanksgiving turkey. My body actually feels great and the boys keep me going. I am sure I will be stuffed right along with the Thanksgiving turkey on turkey day!


Meg and Nate said...

I'm so excited for you Abby! He'll be here before you know it. I just have to say I voted Wyatt. I love that name! I wanted to use that if we had a boy but then I thought about the sound of "Wyatt Whitney" and it sounded like he was a cowboy from the Wild Wild West! So since I'll never be able to use it you should.

Anonymous said...

Abby! Woo hoo!! I'm so excited for you. I voted's always been one of my favorite boy names, but Nate isn't a fan.

jpfullmer said...

If you don't have your baby before Thanksgiving, you can count on "Hungry, Hungry, Hippo" pal to be there on turkey day. :) love ya!

Courtney said...

I love all the names that you are choosing...we actually are going to name our boy William Spencer I really like the name William:) BUT if i were to choose I have always loved the name Wyatt.

It should be any day now.....GOOD LUCK!