Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Maxxy Moo

WE LOVE YOU!!!!! You are soooo cute and adorable. I honestly think you are the cutest baby I have ever seen! You look like the Gerber baby and lately an old man missing his dentures. You got a tooth yesterday! YAH, great job. It only took almost 11 months and you are confused by what it is. You suck your lips in and bite down most the day. You are an eating machine these days! You eat more than Carden sometimes and he eats A LOT! You love spicy food. Anything on my plate looks yummy even if it is your food so I feed you with my utentsials.

I think sometimes you may be happier if you would start crawling soon. You are getting more interested in the world around you. Instead if crawling, you roll. Mostly to get to me! I actually think it may be a good thing you can't crawl yet because you would be on my heals every second (instead of my hip). I try to give you alone time each day and you are getting much better!

SLEEP! WOW! I have not heard from you in the middle of the night for months. You are sleeping very well. Better than your brother!

You wave bye bye, clap your hands everytime you see Daddy, play Patty Cake, say "Ma MA", shake your head no, love a sippy cup, still like your binky, hate your carseat, kick kick kick in the tubby, give great kisses, and cuddle every morning in bed with me while Daddy showers. You are still on Myralax three times a day and we get excited everytime the phone rings it might be the GI Dr. saying they had a cancelation and we can get in earleir than January! We'll keep praying.

We adore you Maxwell and enjoy your sweet spirit!


Megan Marie said...

Thanks for posting some reality abby! Now only one more request, pictures of the UTAH TREE!

Meg and Nate said...

Hearing about your boys makes me even more excited to watch them in January! Nate will be thrilled to play "jersey" with Carden, and I'm not kidding. He usually has to play girly games with Ella and Sophia and he's so obsessed with boys so he'll love it! Oh and you know how we talked about going out on Dec. 13th with the girls. Well we have a family dinner with the Whitney's that night! So if you still want to put something together let me know and we'll figure out a night to do it.