Monday, September 10, 2007

Potty Advise?

So I decided to attempt to potty train Carden. I have heard the basics....stay home for three days, do it when they are ready, etc. I would love to receive ANY advice fr0m all of you experienced potty trainers. Pull-ups, no pull-ups, what to do at night, rewards, whatever you think would help.


Deming Family said...

Abby I love the updated pictures! I also loved your comment about Matt's sore butt-it's so true I know it! About the potty training, I seriously think what works best is to plan the first day or two to be outside (on somewhere you don't care if he pees all over), and just let him run around in underwear all day. Let him pee his pants all day so that he starts to understand the feeling of "wet" I also highly suggest you don't ask every 5 seconds if they have to pee because how annoying is that? He'll hate the idea of going if you're asking him 24/7 if he needs to. I just give Amber lots of praise and not candy. We did a silly dance every time she went in the potty by her self. She loved the dance and the only time we'd do it is when she went on her own. Anyway, I have lots of input so if you need more call me!!!

naptime nostalgia said...

Well the thing is we waited till Cam was making it through the night dry. Then he saw his friend go on the potty, and that was a BIG help. Once kids see other "big kids" doing something, they want to do it too. Expose him to other kids peeing and/or pooping in the potty. Cam was trained by 2 1/2 and within 3 days. We had a few accidents in the first couple of days, but since he had already mastered the night, we didn't have to really worry about it. I'm not really sure bribes work, and I think they are more trouble than they are worth. Just let him roam around in "big-boy" undies (let him pick some fun ones out) and he will feel when he goes on himself and (hopefully) won't like it, and won't want to do it. I agree with Trish about not asking him if he needs to go alot. He needs to learn when he needs to go all by himself. The only bribe thing we did give him was once he went poop or pee he got one of his favorite drinks. (Capri sun) and it kept him needing to go, liquids and all. Thats my advice.

Don't get discouraged. It takes a few days. Wait for signs from him that he is ready and it will be MUCH easier.

Good Luck!

Brando and Annie said...

Call Natalie. She just potty trained Ella in 1 day! Look up her blog through mine. She actually just posted a big thing on the whole potty training thing. I hope that helps!

Meg and Nate said...

Hey Abby! It's Megan Whitney, I finally found your blog. It's so cute. Seeing Max's pictures made me miss him from Trappers! He's so sweet I just want to cuddle up with him! I think we should get together and do something or just call if you need a babysitter! I mean it Nate and I would love to watch them. Sorry, I'm no help with the potty thing, but maybe you can help me someday! ;)