Monday, March 2, 2009


All those years of my Mom telling me to put more suncreen on finally caught up with me. I was not going to post anything but so many people have been calling and they are very concerned. I am hoping this will calm peoples' nerves.
A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with Melanoma In -Situ. The spot is on my upper chest and is about the size of a quarter. Today I had surgery to remove it and it went well. It took most of our day at Huntsman and we will be back again tomorrow for reconstructive surgery. All of the melanoma is gone after two procedures and they did a biopsy on another spot. They also had to take a control sample so I have stitches in three different areas.
Tomorrow will be very telling as far as what my chest will look like in the future. We are praying they will be able to close the wound with just a straight line. If that is not an option, I will have a graft from my thigh. I really hope they can close it.
All is well and a huge thank you goes out to Alan's Mom for taking the boys ALL day, my parents for taking C and O this evening, and Trish and Sara for dinner. I LOVE YOU!
Hopefully this will be the last physical bump in my health for a long time. I do not like not being 100% for myself and family. (P.S Do not look at the rest of this post if you have a queasy stomach)


Ashley said...

OH my word Abby!!! Scary, but glad everything is okay for now. Keep us posted on the progress. I wish you didn't have to deal with this! And wish I could be there to help somehow. I will be praying for ya! Much love to you!!!

Katy said...

How crazy...moms always know best! Let me know if you need anything. Good luck and I hope you start feeling better. Keep us posted. Your in my prayers

susie said...

Abby -- what?!!! I can't believe this! Are you okay? I know you say you are but it is still so unbelievable. I hope you get good news tomorrow. Wish I could bring you dinner or something. We will be praying for you. Love ya!

brooke said...

This is Just what you needed right now!! I'm so sorry you had to deal with this--I'll pray for you!

Alicia said...

Abby I am so sorry! I hope that you are hearing great news today :). We love you so much.

Anonymous said...

EEEEK!! I had a questionable mole removed while I was pregnant. No fun. What were we thinking baking out in the sun???

Heidi said...

Oh Abby! I am so sorry, I hate that everyone is getting sick and having these problems. i hope everything goes well, hopefully they can close up that wound nicely, that's a bad one! Good Luck!

Deming Family said...

Wow that is a scary wound. I am so glad everything is ok. What a scary thing to have to go through.