Monday, November 23, 2009

HaPpy BirThDaY O!

Come on bud! It is not THAT scary!
There you go! Takin' after your Mommy!
One year old yesterday! You are a sweet angel. I love the way snuggle and want to be held by someone when ever possible. You love your small doggie blanket and carry it around in your mouth. You still like a binkie and we do not mind. You are finally sleeping past 6 in the morning. It happened a few weeks ago and it happened over night. Lovin it! You can sign "more", "eat", "dog", and "sleepy". You say "Ugh Oh", "DaDa", and "I love you". No "Mama" yet, but "I love you." That seems a little backwards. You are a fabulous eater and do not turn anything away, including brussel sprouts. Two top teeth and three bottom make for a very happy smile which we see all day long. You are a skinny mini. Very long but skinny. It is hard to find clothes long enough for your legs but still stay on your bottom. We love you O. Thanks for bringing joy and happiness to our family and for putting up with your brothers. Happy Birthday Big Baby Boy! We adore you!


Meg and Nate said...

Seriously, so dang cute! I can't believe he is a year!

Kate said...

So handsome!! He is a lil' angel!!! He's one Abby...time for another!!! :-) j/k! (Do I have room to talk?)

Alicia said...

Love the bib. He's sooo cute Abby!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!! You have such darling boys, Abby! It was great to run into you a while back!