Next we drove to Kangaroo Zoo to meet the Demings and Rogers for a little bounce time. You guys were exhausted. We made it home in time for dinner and a little birthday cake. This year, you wanted Daddy to make an Oregon Ducks cake. Daddy obliged only because he knows how you love to tease him.
You are soooooo easy tempered. If something is bothering you, you politely ask for help and then wait patiently. You often solve problems yourself and seem to be determined to do things alone.
You tease O and tend to get in the most trouble for that behavior. I hear "Stop it!!!" in a grumpy voice coming from you when you are tired and C gets on your nerves. You moan at night, soon realize you need to go potty, make it to the bathroom, and then make a run for bed! It makes Daddy and I laugh. You love playing the WII and enjoy having play dates more than your brothers. You constantly ask for Owen and Jax to play. There are a lot of foods you do not like but will still try them just to make us happy. What a pleaser you are.
I hope you have another wonderful year of growth and happiness! I still can't believe you are 5!!! WOW! Love you little man! Happy Birthday Moozer!