I headed to lunch with my Dad and then he headed home with O to take a nap. Moo and I went downtown to pick up my wedding ring from the cleaners. While driving, my phone rang and I answered it. It was the Dr calling. She said "You are definitely PREGNANT!!!!" I was in SHOCK!!!!! She said a few more things, none of which I heard. I soon looked up to see lights flashing behind me. I was getting pulled over. The Police Officer was very nice. I was a little teary eyed as he told me he pulled me over for distracted driving. NO KIDDING!!!!!! Ya THINK! I apologized. I admitted I should have pulled over when the phone rang but I was in shock. He let me go with a little warning. I pulled out on to the road but then pulled over again to take a breather. Now I needed to tell Alan. I wrote "Prego" on a piece of paper and sent him a text, "The Dr. Called....". He thought I was joking but soon realized he was going to be a Dad again.

On Monday, we went for the ultrasound and the BABE was sooooooo cute!!!! It has grown the perfect amount in two weeks. It waived at us and Alan said it looks like a GIRL!!!! He kind of planted a little thought that maybe it is possible to make a girl. We will soon find out. As far as an exact due date, the Dr. Said we will go off the ultrasound and that says June 25th. It is crazy to look at this picture and know that baby is inside me!!! Even more crazy.... that is looks like a baby and I was only 12 weeks along! From the looks of the baby, it already looks like it has a headache just thinking of coming into this household! That is the hand on the forhead. This is BAD!!!! I keep typing SHE!!!!