Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

I can not believe it is the middle of June. Happy Father's Day to my honey. I love you and hope you know what a wonderful Dad you are to your little boys. They adore you. Max smiles every time he sees you. Today Carden told us "It is not Father's Day. It is Daddy's Day.
Max is 5 months 1 day old today. I gave him some sweet potatoes this morning and he did not like them very much. I was surprised because he loved rice cereal after the second bite and could not get enough. He really did not eat much of the potatoes and I think it may take some getting used to.
Last week Carden came and told me Max was wearing a football helmet. I ran to see what he had done to Max. Carden had placed his work hat on him. Picture Perfect.

Carden has his lower molars half way through and it has been rough. Sleepless nights, a runny nose, fevers, a horrible cough, and some grumpy moments. From both Carden and myself!Yesterday I said something in a very stern voice and he responded "Mom, that absolutely hurt my heart when you talked like that!" It made me think about how I was speaking to him and I must admit I immediately apologized. His vocabulary is amazing. He cracks me up every day. Alan took this picture of him before we once again attempted to cut his hair. It is very short now but still manages to stick straight up.

Isn't summer time wonderful? We love it and hope to spend more days on morning walks, at the pool, park, and just playing in our backyard at "Shooter's Park".


Courtney said...

So cute Abby!

Darrell Crowther said...

Alan Pohlman via Abby:

This is Darrell Crowther, aka Thunder Thighs. I need senor Labios to contact me...well, I don't need it, but I found your website and would love to chat with the man of the house, or Alan, whoever is willing.

Tons (and I mean tons) of love,
Darrell Crowther

JDM said...

Hello Pohlman family
I have been blog surfing all day (I should have been working) and I found your site from the Kelly family blog. I hope its ok that I read a little of your blog. It’s been fun to see so many old friends doing so well.
You guys look so great.
Take care.
Jenny Meese